Institute of Perspective Planning is an association of research groups created by the hired personnel and supervised by Covent researchers

The primary goal of such research groups is to define the tasks and set scientific challenges that seem to be the most promising and significant for the modern world, and draw the attention of the scientific community to the solution of these problems. What matters most with regard to these tasks, is their clear, concise, and coherent wording which enables us to implement them effectively as solutions in terms of the Covent knowledge-based technologies, as defined in the introduction to the Covent Group system.

Main Task

The principal task of the Institute of Perspective Planning is to define the most significant aspects of the problem and point out the main ways of resolving it. In the meantime, we are not trying to find the final solution to the problem as a whole.

IPP sees its task in going beyond the limits of the official scientific paradigm, which is all too often focused on trying to hide the problems instead of trying to solve them.

Work Specifics

Specific to the IPP approach to solving scientific problems is making them as “elementary” as possible, i. e. taking each problem back to the basics.

Among other tasks, we plan to construct axiomatic systems that will be exact, complete and coherent for practically any problem group, regardless of the scientific field to which it belongs.

Thus we are creating an axiomatic system, while emphasizing the most significant facts and promising research areas. This approach underlies the work of the IPP in regard to all the problems we encounter.




Defining the most important scientific problems and challenges that require a comprehensive and global approach

Applying the maximum principle of “fundamentalization” in all key areas

Trends and Strategies


Constructing precise axiomatic systems for all problems addressed by the IPP

Determining the most promising focus areas in regard to all problems addressed

As part of the Covent Group system, the IPP is subject to unified standards and principles and pursues common goals

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